Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Introduction/ Thesis Concerning Channel One

Our group has come a long way from starting with the general topic of cultural implications of new media to our focus of the advertising behind Channel One, a supposedly "educational" program, being implemented in schools in the U.S.

To keep our blog somewhat organized, we split this issue into FOUR major points

  1. Business behind channel one advertising - (Grace Oh)
  2. The content of channel one advertising - (Patrick Castrenze)
  3. Effects of the advertisements on the students - (Hauwa Otori)
  4. Mention the people who want channel one out of schools and why they want it out. - (Chin- Shan Lee)
These points will cover the issues surrounding advertising within Channel One programs as well as support our point of view that the commercial nature of Channel One is not conducive (inappropriate) for the classroom environment.

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