Sunday, March 30, 2008

Literature Review on Politics in New Media

Political issues are constantly being discussed, announced, and made fun of in our American culture. Everyone knows about political scandals, trend issues such as "going green" and "global warming." And now, it seems like new media is taking over the field of politics. There is more and more evidence of political issues, elections, campaigning, etc. going on in these new media spaces. The following are resources that address and discuss these issues of politics and new media and whether what is being posted in these new media spaces is an accurate representation of culture or fragmented one.


Scholarly Sources:

Hervé Glevarec and Michel Pinet. From liberalization to fragmentation: a sociology of French radio audiences since the 1990s and the consequences for cultural industries theory. Media, Culture & Society 2008 30: 215-238.

Michael J. Barker. Democracy or polyarchy? US-funded media developments in Afghanistan and Iraq post 9/11. Media, Culture & Society 2008 30: 109-130

Floris Müller, Liesbet van Zoonen, and Laurens de Roode. We can't `Just do it' alone! An analysis of Nike's (potential) contributions to anti-racism in soccer. Media, Culture & Society 2008 30: 23-39

Nick Couldry and Tim Markham. Troubled closeness or satisfied distance? Researching media consumption and public orientation. Media, Culture & Society 2008 30: 5-21.

Andrew Carvin, "Mitch Kapor: The Case for Wikifying Politics" (2006)

Pew, "The Internet's Broader Role in Campaign 2008" (2008)

Jenkins: "Answering Questions from a Snowman: The YouTube Debate and Its Aftermath" (2007)

Davis, Richard. 1998. New media and American politics. Oxford University Press.

Rachel K. Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. U.K. Political Parties and the Internet: "Politics as Usual" in the New Media? The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 1998 3: 14-38.

Bennet, Lance W. & Entman, Robert M. (2001). Mediated Politics: Communication in the future of Democracy. Cambridge University Press.

Holmes, David. (1997). Virtual Politics: identity and community in cyberspace. Sage Publications Technology.

Kahn, Richard & Kellner, Douglas. (2004). New media nad internet activism: from the ‘Battle of Seattle’ to blogging. SAGE Publications. 6 (1): 87-95.

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